
Abnormal Mapping 36: The Othered Man in Hat


A dark night in the bright city. Jackson dashes down an alleyway, a shadow looming behind him. He clutches the attache case close to his chest as he squeezes past a dumpster and into a space that would generously be described as snug for even the overfed cats that dine on the garbage nearby. Matthew’s close behind, reaching into the tiny space up to their elbow to reach after Jackson, unable to go any further. Growling, they climb up the dumpster, leaping onto the lowest rungs of the fire escape as they use the window to get into the hallway of the building Jackson is squeezing past. As they leap down the steps two at a time, they don’t see the slender cane extend between the bars of the railing until it’s too late, and their’s sprawled out on the cold tile floor of the foyer of the building.

Destiny emerges from behind the stairs, nudging Matthew’s arm aside with her cane as she steps outside, just to see Jackson emerge from the alleyway and stop to look behind him for pursuit. It’s a distraction he can ill afford. He doesn’t even feel the needle slip under his skin, he just feels himself sag against the wall as Destiny steps up beside him and removes the case from his now flaccid hands. “Thanks,” she says. “It’s game over for you, though.”

She turns to walk away, Jackson gasping trying to yell after her, his knees buckling as he falls back into the alleyway, and both of them disappear back into the bustle of the city.

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This Month’s Game Club: Framed

October’s Game Club: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Games Discussed: The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, Tomorrow Never Dies, Morning Mario Returns!, Civilization V, Three Beers Deep, our conversation with Lana Polansky, Framed, Hideo Kojima’s tweet, Angry Birds, Boom Blox, Doctor Who, Grim Fandango

Music This Episode
Blown Away by Kevin MacLeod
Baba Yetu by Christopher Tin
Framed Soundtrack by Adrian Moore
The Fragrance of Dark Coffee by Noriyuki Iwadare
Kapp’n’s Song by Shohei Tsuchiya

All Things Must Burn

This piece contains spoilers for Little Inferno and Trash Panic.

Trash Panic 1

The fire is my friend, as much as anything can be. Our goals aligned, we work in tandem, until there is nothing left to burn and we can finally be free.

Nothing else in Trash Panic matters. The conveyor belt revolves endlessly, providing a constant supply of items divorced from their history, devoid of their meaning, every object defined purely by the ease and the manner in which it can be further broken down. I release the pencil above a computer monitor, knowing it will shatter upon impact. I don’t care what words it may once have written. Why should I? It’s all just trash now.


When Lying About F2P is Your Hook: Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball

rusty1Nintendo’s announcement that they were going to make a free to play (F2P) game was something I was kind of concerned about. Square Enix has basically turned F2P into an abusive slot machine meant to gouge players, so seeing another big traditionalist company try to do the same thing was a worrying idea, up until Nintendo announced that in actuality, their F2P game was going to be a haggling game, where you’d try to coax down the price of the content presented in the game from a virtual store keeper. Okay, that at least sounded interesting. Enough that I’d give it a try. Which, it turns out, is the point. (more…)